Magnetic field profiles & Measurement techniques

 At the Center for Advanced High Magnetic Field Science (AHMF) in Osaka University, various measurements for condensed matters using non-destructive pulse-magnets are possible in high magnetic fields of up to 55 T. Depending on the types of experiments, some pulse-magnets with different field durations are prepared (Fig.1). In the table below, measurement techniques for each pulse-magnet are listed. Some low-temperature and high-pressure apparatuses are equipped with these measurements. Please send an e-mail to the following address, when you would like to conduct high-field measurements and use the facilities at AHMF.

Contact:ahmf_kyodo -at-
※Please replace [-at-] with [@].

Fig. 1: Magnetic field vs. time profiles of our short-pulse,
mid -pulse and long-pulse magnets.

Table 1: Available measurement techniques

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