Joint Research & Collaboration

  In requests of collaborative research, we ask you to contact our Academic Staffs first. In addition, if you hope to support (transportation expenses and/or research expendables) using the Joint-research system of the ISSP (The University of Tokyo) , it is necessary to submit an application form. There are twice a year of public offering for the Joint-research applications. For details, please check the link below.

Link: ISSP (The University of Tokyo) - Outline of Joint-research - Web application

 <Contact Address>   
  Center for Advanced High Magnetic Field Science (AHMF),
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University

1-1 Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, Japan
TEL  06-6850-6685 or 06-6850-6687

Prof. Masayuki Hagiwara (Director)

Specifications of Pulsed Magnet & Measurement Techniques

<Non-destructive Pulsed Magnet>
Field (T)Bore (mm)Pulse duration (ms)
Wide-bore mid-pulse404840

Magnetization, ESR, Electrical transport, Electrical polarization, Magnetic torque, Magnetostriction, TDO/PDO, High pressure effects

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